Already have a parts kit? Build it yourself, or have us do it for you!

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If you already have a BM-59 kit and wish to build it up yourself, we can help with that! We do not sell stripped receivers, but we can offer you the following options:

  • If you have a parts kit and want to build it yourself, just send us your barrel and bolt, and we will send you back a barrelled action, correctly headspaced. Turn-around is less than a week. Price is $895 plus shipping. 
  • If you have a parts kit and want us to build it up for you with our receiver, and you have a usable barrel and bolt. Turn around is 7-10 days. Price is $1,125 which includes federal excise tax plus shipping. 
  • If you have an existing BM-59 that was re-welded and want it re-built on our receiver. Turn around is 7-10 days. Price is $995 plus shipping, and we have to destroy the old receiver.

If you have a bolt but no barrel, or a barrel that is shot out, we can supply a new barrel for an additional $275 (ITAL Model only at this point). Measures 19 3/8" from the breech).

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